Theology of the Body, Extended, from the back cover:
“The sensitive, thoughtful, and moving way in which the author handles her extension of John Paul II’s theology of the body is sure to edify and enlighten readers who truly value human life and seek a deeper understanding of three of its fundamental experiences, namely the "bodily" (yet deeply personal) events of childbirth, impairment, and dying. By exposing our vulnerability and attendant dependency, while also beckoning us to craft an appropriate response to our state (if we are capable of deliberate action), these three vents also signify a call to communion with others, and above all, with God, who actively invites us in each case to to hand ourselves over to Him, and thus to receive Him and His gracious, healing activity more fully in our lives. This is true, not only of the persons subject to the events, but also of those who accompany them through their experience, or who even just witness it from afar; for they, too, are called to learn from what others can teach them firsthand about the sign- value of these primordial bodily events. This work makes a significant contribution to the ongoing effort and need to formulate more fully an authentic Christian anthropology.” — Jeff Tranzillo, author of John Paul II on the Vulnerable
“Susan Windley-Daoust represents a new generation of systematic theologians who are engaging with real-life issues of concern to all people. This book is important not least for illuminating the existential questions and concerns of an aging Baby Boomer generation, but the entire volume urges Christians across the life span to respond in faith to the divine call to live faithfully into our embodied creatureliness in light of the Christ event and the Spirit’s outpouring on all flesh. The challenges of life become opportune windows into the spiritual dimension in these pages. Here is one systematic theology you will not want to put down.” — Amos Yong, Fuller Theological Seminary, author of Theology and Down Syndrome: Reimagining Disability in Late Modernity.
Amazon reviews.
Academic journal reviews.
Homiletic and Pastoral Review
Marcel Studies
...more coming!
The Gift of Birth: Discerning God's Presence in Childbirth, from the back cover:
"When I gave birth to my sixth child, there was a moment at the end when I thought that I had lost all strength, that my baby would die and it would be my fault. (Fortunately, everything turned out fine!) It wasn't until I read The Gift of Birth that I learned how excruciating self-doubt is a sign of the Holy Spirit at work in the birthing process. Susan's book helped heal a very painful memory. The wisdom in this book is a great blessing to all mothers, whether expecting or experienced." -Karee Santos, co-author of The Four Keys to Everlasting Love: How Your Catholic Marriage Can Bring You Joy for a Lifetime
"Pregnancy and motherhood are such deeply spiritual times, but so often we are too consumed by our "to do" lists and worries and preparations to take time apart to let the experience resonate deep within our souls. The Gift of Birth by Susan Windley-Daoust is the perfect companion for both expectant and veteran mothers." -Mary DeTurris Poust, author of Parenting a Grieving Child: Helping Children Find Faith, Hope, and Healing after the Loss of a Loved One
Journal and blog reviews:
Church Life Journal (Notre Dame)
The Catholic Post (Peoria, IL)
...more coming!
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