From the book:
The hermeneutic of the gift holds that every life is given the greatest of all gifts: a call to follow God. If the body is stamped at creation with a pre-given language of self-giving and fruitfulness, the response to the call is to offer one’s life in gratitude to its Source, our loving God.
The hermeneutic of the gift holds that every life is given the greatest of all gifts: a call to follow God. If the body is stamped at creation with a pre-given language of self-giving and fruitfulness, the response to the call is to offer one’s life in gratitude to its Source, our loving God.
body giving birth gives a woman essential practice in yielding to grace, and
the gift of the power of God. But even
more so, it has acted as a sign of the spiritual life: how all souls, pregnant
with the Holy Spirit, are transformed by cooperating with the Spirit, letting
God make all things new. That requires
putting aside fear, putting on trust, accepting grace and other helps. That requires allowing God to lead, work
within you, and transform you. Scripture
cites the analogy of birth frequently, and whether “pain” is correctly
translated or not, the process of
birth is one cited as one we all must embrace:
When a woman is in labor, she is
in anguish because her hour has arrived; but when she has given birth to a
child, she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy that a child has
been born into the world. So you also are now in anguish. But I will
see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away
from you. (John 16:21-22)
to John, we are all in labor. We are all at the point of salvation history
where God is pushing through us to the second coming. This requires attention, acceptance, cooperation
with God’s will, and allowing “birth” to happen. Perhaps the gift of the natural birth process
is that it helps us to experience, see and express God’s work in us, as God’s
people and as an individual child of God.
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